The development of supply and cultivation of asparagus in Satakunta region

The main part of asparagus consumpted in Finland is abroad originated thus asparagus does grow in our northern crowing conditions. Asparagus could be a permanent and profitable part of Finnish agricultural production especially in the western parts of Finland where springs are earlier.

Farmers are more and more interested in asparagus cultivation but there are issues like plant protection methods and cultivar knowledge which needs to be improved in order to achieve better yields and income.

Another part of improving profitable asparagus production is the development of quality through out the supply chain.  With right methods carried out in the asparagus supply chain (packaking, transportation, etc.) it is possible to maintain the quality of asparagus and lengthen shelf life. Excellent quality is a major factor for finnish asparagus to stand out.

The season of Finnish asparagus is quite short, approximately one month, usually starting from late may and lasting to the end of june. Farmers should achieve as good as possible sales during this short period so that is why consumers in Finland should know domestic asparagus production and quality better.

The development of supply chain and cultivation of asparagus in Satakunta region -project aim is to improve asparagus production especially in the Satakunta region. Project includes four working packages:

  • Field trials for green asparagus varieties to find out those which best suits to northern growing conditions
  • Field trials to test efficient plant protection methods for asparagus
  • Scanning and improving of asparagus’s supply chain (storaging, packaking, transportation, etc.)
  • Improvement of consumers avereness of domestic asparagus production (done together with Pyhäjärvi Institutes Food production’s growth and responsibility program)